Interpersonal Process Group for Graduate Students
The Counseling Center will be facilitating a weekly interpersonal process group exclusively for graduate students. Unlike a class or a skills-based group, a process group is designed to allow participants to engage with one another in an organic way, where peers collaboratively guide the content of conversations. Clinician(s) encourage the exchange of constructive feedback and discussion, as group members gain insight into their interpersonal style, address challenges, and identify strengths.
- This group can be valuable in various ways, including:
- Enhance communication effectiveness with others
- Strengthen your confidence in creating meaningful relationships
- Become more comfortable identifying your emotions
- Receive feedback about how you present and engage socially
- Practice interpersonal conflict resolution skills
- Have a safe & confidential space to process challenges
When: Interested students are encouraged to set up a screening appointment with counseling services to be notified of future group dates. Please use the Student Health Portal to send a message to the Counseling Center Front Desk and ask to set up a screening appointment. You can also call the Counseling Center at (626) 395-8331 to schedule the meeting.
Where: Student Wellness Services North (1245 Arden Rd.)
Who: Currently enrolled Caltech Graduate Students, brief screening meeting required.
- Those who can commit to attending group weekly for at least one academic term.
- Those who have previous or current experience in individual or group therapy.
- Are you currently in individual therapy?
- If you are currently seeing a therapist at Caltech's Counseling Services, this group should take the place of your individual therapy this term. If you are in therapy with an outside provider, you may choose to continue that concurrently.
Facilitator: Karyn Maczka, LMFT (Caltech SWS Staff Clinician). Read about Karyn.