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Student Wellness Services  /  Occupational Therapy  /  Forms and Policies

OT Forms and Policies

Late Arrival

If you do not join the meeting (on Zoom) or arrive within 15 minutes of the agreed-upon start time, you will have missed the appointment and will need to use the Student Health Portal or contact the front desk at (626) 395-8331 to schedule another one.

Zoom Security

Student Wellness Services uses a HIPAA-compliant license for Zoom that adds additional security features. You will need to sign into Zoom using the "Sign in with SSO" option. Please reference the instructions if you are having trouble signing in.


Disability Accommodations, Emotional Support Animals (ESAs), Housing, and Dining Exceptions

Student Wellness Services does not provide documentation for disability accommodations, emotional support animals, housing, or dining exceptions. Practitioners are able to provide referrals to off-campus providers for neuropsychological assessment, psychoeducational evaluations, or other documentation needs. Student Wellness Services providers can consult with an assessor or off-campus provider (with a signed release of information) if the student has been in treatment or the provider has information to contribute to the evaluation and documentation process.

Please visit the Caltech Accessibility Services for Students (CASS) website for full information on the accommodation process.

Read more about emotional support animals on the CASS website.

Mon - Fri
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
1239 Arden Rd.
Mail Code 1-8
Pasadena, California 91125
Fax(626) 585-1522